Everything you need is up there! For an interactive timeline of events in this period go to the Timeline tab! Good luck on the final, hope everything helps!

-Everyone's favourite table #6

Election of 1892

  • Populist James Weaver wins 8.5% of vote
  • Important because he's a third party candidate with a sizable following

Mississippi Plan established

  •  Poll tax in south
  •  Prevents blacks and poor whites from voting

1898: Grandfather Clause

  • literacy and property qualifications for voting 
  • BUT exempts sons and grandsons
  • Keeps blacks from voting

1895: Booker T. Washington; Atlanta Compromise speech

  • Accepts "separate but equal" 
  • BUT pushed for education and economic independence for blacks

1893: Frederick Jackson Turner; Frontier Thesis

  •  Frontier was building block of american culture, so we need to find more frontier overseas

1890: McKinley tariff

  •  Adds 48.4% to cost of imported goods
  •  allows American businesses to undersell other countries